If you own an insurance agency, the last thing you’ll want is to fall flat on your face after deciding to tackle recruitment challenges on your own. Thankfully, with the help of qualified insurance consulting professional, you’ll be able to implement solid tactics that can help you attract the right candidates. However, before reaching out to an expert, be sure to separate fact from fiction regarding insurance requirements.
Insurance Recruitment: Fact vs Fiction
MYTH #1: “Human resources can handle everything.”
If your insurance agency only has one HR or talent acquisition staff member, you can’t expect them to effectively manage your staffing needs for several offices or multiple open jobs at one time. Whether you like it or not, your disengagement will hurt the recruitment process because they won’t be able to handle this overwhelming workload. Conversely, executives who don’t pass the buck to HR enlist the help of insurance consulting experts to develop successful and comprehensive recruitment strategies.
MYTH #2: “There are always more candidates out there.”
Employment recruiters use the term “purple squirrel” to describe a perfect job candidate that’s impossible to find. If you’re looking to add more staff members, you have to understand that people aren’t necessarily the same as job candidates. Job candidates are individuals who are willing and engaged participants in the employment search process.
In other words, you should never assume that the 100 people who are on your prospective employee list are all candidates for a position. Chances are, that same list only has around 20 to 30 candidates that may or may not be attracted to your recruiting efforts.
MYTH #3: “It’s better to work with more recruiters.”
When you work with multiple recruiters, your prospective candidates will likely get called multiple times by different recruiters about the same job. If you want to protect your agency’s image, it’s best to stick to one recruiting firm.
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