As far as investments are concerned, buying an insurance agency is one of the wisest moves you can make. If you play your cards right, you can find yourself a secure investment with reasonable returns. After all, accidents aren’t rare, and everyone needs to have insurance. But when you’re browsing through insurance agency listings, all the options can be daunting if you don’t know what to look for. Luckily, Energia Consulting Partners LLC has you covered with these tips and tricks that will help make purchasing your insurance agency a little easier.
1. Find Yourself a Partner
This is a must for every first-time buyer. Not only are insurance agency listings confusing to navigate, but the insurance market as a whole is also filled with complex guidelines and rules that are impossible to sift through in one sitting. Finding a mentor or advisor will help you avoid common pitfalls in your venture.
2. Quality Over Quantity
Many first-time buyers emphasize the number of policyholders when looking through insurance agency listings. Although that’s not a bad practice, digging a little deeper will yield better results. The type of policies is just as important, if not more important, as the number of policies an insurance agency holds. Your cost per client will depend on these policies so it’s better to look for insurance companies with policies that renew every year rather than long-term policies such as life insurance.
3. Get Licensed First
Every state will require you to go through a licensing process that requires anywhere between 20 to 40 hours. Before buying your insurance company, make sure you get all the necessary certifications and licenses first so that you can get your business up and running without delay.
Want to Learn More About Navigating Insurance Agency Listings?
Making this big a purchase will never be a walk in the park but Energia Consulting Partners, LLC. can give you the tools to make navigating this process easier. Give us a call today to learn more!